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Callum Turner
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Do you want to make a complain about a n online casino?

At SafestCasinoSites.co.uk, we are committed to providing the best possible service. If you have any complaints or concerns, please let us know by filling in a form below, so we can address them promptly.

    Complaint Review Process

    Once we receive your message, we will:

    • Acknowledge: We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours.
    • Investigate: Our team will thoroughly investigate the issue and potentially contact our affiliate partners for a swift resolution.
    • Resolve: We will work to resolve your complaint and get back to you with a response within 5 to 7 business days.
    Callum Turner
    Callum Turner

    Callum has a longstanding career as a writer, with over 25 years in the gambling sector. While he started out covering land-based sportsbooks and casinos, Callum has cultivated a vast knowledge of the inner workings of the online gambling industry. He shares his insights, understanding, and expertise in this field at SafestCasinoSites since 2024 through his carefully researched and written reviews, guides, and articles.

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